Informácie o parkovaní


The parking space of the hotel is a private area! Only the following people can use it for free of charge:

• The guest of the hotel and the youth hostel,
• The guests of the Pódium Restaurant,
• The guest of the events and conferences
• The guest of the Bowling Club and Squash

To exit the parking lot, please request a single-use QR-code at the reception or at the service point where you used the respective service.

Everybody else has to pay parking fee at the hotel reception 2000 HUF / day, because of this reason the hotel is allowed to wheel clamp and transport all the unauthorized cars from its parking space.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the reception.

Thank you for your understanding!

Špeciálne ponuky

Sútok riek, križovanie ciest, pohostinnosť obyvateľov mesta Győr, mladistvý moment a očarujúce mesto vzrušenia: toto je Győr, mesto stretávok! Hotel Famulus **** ponúka širokú škálu služieb, ktoré ponúkajú vynikajúcu príležitosť pre rekreáciu, skúsenosti a energiu pre všetky vekové kategórie a pre tímové školenia, konferencie, stretnutia, workshopy a podujatia pre firmy.

čítať ďalej
Cena balíčka
34 000 Ft /
Darčekové poukazy na Vianoce!

Darčekové poukazy na Vianoce!

čítať ďalej
Cena balíčka
2 800 Ft /

čítať ďalej
Cena balíčka
4 840 Ft /

Hotel je v obrazoch

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V spolupráci s Audi Hungaria Zrt.
uni.sze.huHotelstars Mobilis-Győr Torula

The parking space of the hotel is a private area! Only the following people can use it for free of charge:

• The guest of the hotel and the youth hostel,
• The guests of the Pódium Restaurant,
• The guest of the events and conferences
• The guest of the Bowling Club and Squash

Everybody else has to pay parking fee at the hotel reception 2000 HUF / day, because of this reason the hotel is allowed to wheel clamp and transport all the unauthorized cars from its parking space.

Thank you for your understanding!